Friday, December 31, 2010

Thoreau, Gandhi, King And Gutierrez?

Tireless illegal alien advocate, Luis Gutierrez, is at his wit's end as 2010 draws to a close. Currently, he's not unlike the manager of a Big Lots outlet whose store has just had an entire aisle stocked with a new shipment from a department store that couldn't move the merchandise. In short, he's got a product no one's been able to sell.

Notions of "comprehensive immigration reform" have proven to be just as unpopular coming from President Obama as they were a few years ago when George W. Bush was singing their praises. And just prior to Christmas, yet another effort to enact the DREAM Act failed to pass a decidedly liberal Senate. That's about half a dozen times now that it has gone nowhere when put in front of Congress for a vote.  

It hasn't mattered how it's been dressed up, what sob stories have been marketed, how many newspaper columnists plead with their readers to feel "compassion," what "studies" are offered up to suggest that legalizing the undocumented will result in windfalls of billions, reduced crime, and improved race relations,  and that there have been thousands of attempts to equate illegal aliens with immigrants of yesteryear.  The truth is evident.  A sizable majority of Americans want no part of another amnesty. 

This has been infuriating for the elected representative who has publicly declared "I have only one loyalty, and that's to the immigrant community."

Resultingly, after seeing the most recent legislative attempt to grant residency rights to millions of illegal aliens scuttled, he stated “We need to decouple the movement for comprehensive immigration reform and justice for immigrants from the legislative process and from the Democratic Party process."  Shortly thereafter, he added “When black people in this country decided they were going to fight for civil rights and for voting rights, they didn’t ask if the majority leader was with them and when they were going to tee up the bill. They said, ‘We’re sitting where we need to sit on the bus! We’re integrating this counter! We’re going to march!'”

And herein lies Mr. Gutierrez's next problem - failing to change U.S. laws to accommodate illegal aliens who won't follow the ones we have, isn't unfair.

Civil disobedience worked for blacks in the 1960's because the protestors were right, and their actions drove the point home.  It was fundamentally unfair for average, decent people to be disallowed from dining at southern lunch counters because of their skin color. How can a man be asked to risk his life defending his country against Hitler, and then be required to sit in the back of a public bus? On what rational grounds was a U.S. citizen forced to attend substandard public schools, when better ones were nearby, but unavailable to non-whites? Such practices and standards were offensive to the espoused principles stated in our nation's Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and the protests drew attention to them.

The same cannot be said, however, of people who have failed to follow laws that apply to would-be immigrants of all colors. There is no government or society spawned injustice when children of criminals are not rewarded for their parents' systematic, repeated and successful law violations. Some, like Congressman Gutierrez, believe that enforcing current immigration and employment laws is an attack upon Latinos. To disallow illegal alien children from receiving taxpayer subsidized college tuition rates is an injustice.  Those people, however, are a minority.  Most in the U.S. don't see it that way.

Consequently, when illegal aliens occupy the waiting rooms of U.S. senators and refuse to leave, the common question is why they weren't turned over to ICE.  As "Dreamers" from UCLA and Cal State Northridge lie down on major L.A. thoroughfares during rush hour, the usual commuter response is anger because of an inability to get home, rather than sympathy.

Put most simply, illegal alien advocates may believe they have a civil rights issue, however, most American voters don't agree.  And all the tantrums and cries of "racism" aren't going to be changing that any time soon in the hearts of most taxpayers who pay billions to subsidize the lives of people who have no business being here.

Civil disobedience and a "Latino revolt" on the streets in 2011, Congressman?  The staff at would love to see it happen, but quite frankly, we don't believe you're that detached from reality yet.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Disappointed "Dreamers" Speak Out

In the social circles the staff of inhabits, the senatorial rejection of the DREAM Act is considered an early Christmas present.  Border security proponents are happy that millions of people, who have no business being here in the first place, are not being made permanent additions to our nation ... at least on this occasion.

Many Californians, however, have very different sentiments.  They are emotionally invested in the notion of legalizing the undocumented and believe the DREAM Act should have passed years ago.

Below are some of their thoughts about the U.S. Senate's failure to pass what they believe would have been a "down payment on comprehensive immigration reform."

These messages were primarily collected over the weekend from comments sections in the websites for the Los Angeles Times and Orange County Register.

What happened today, to me, is beyond sad, because it’s a lose-lose for everybody. – Senator Barbara Boxer

We are going to go around the country letting everybody know who stands with us and who stood against us. – Carlos S.

White Europeans illegal since 1492. They have no credibility on this land. – Derek G.

Holding the sins of the fathers against the children is irresponsible. We do not believe in liberty and justice for all in America. We believe in "I got mine, screw you."

What purpose is served by sending bright, talented young men and women out of the country who have done nothing wrong? How is America served by exiling kids who have known nothing but America since they became sentient beings?

Immanuel Kant was famous for saying that human beings should never be used as means to other ends but only seen as ends in themselves. Anything less is immoral and unjust. The scapegoating of these kids is immoral and unjust. It speaks poorly for the American people. And despite their vehement protests, it does suggest we have not overcome our racist and xenophobic tendencies. As Shakespeare said, "Methinks thou dost protest too much."

America is an adolescent nation in many ways. This is one of them. It's time to grow up, America. – Harry F.

Cowards in the Senate dashed the hopes of students who were brought here by their parents. These children have broken no laws and done nothing wrong. Shame on you. – Mac R.

If I may speak, does anybody remember where we come from, what is wrong with everyone, why is everyone hating immigrants and there nationality? This world was meant for everyone. America is a country with freedom, but no it does not have the freedom like everyone claims,  but it doesn't belong or is own by anyone, no country is, it doesn't matter if you were born here or have a power here rich or someone with higher authority. This world is meant for everyone to share, what kind of people is everyone evolving into? What are Americans so mad about? this was once a nation with different countries, do you not remember? And how are immigrants stealing education and health care because from what I know every kid in the U.S gets to go to school and receive an education and health care, they don't have the same benefits as the citizens?? Tell me because don't you realize you have it all? Why are you complaining? And the job market, it's really funny there are many jobs out there for everyone, but really, does any American really want to work cleaning bathrooms??  Go and apply there and stop blaming just because you're mad the economy is bad in the U.S.  Don't blame them for the actions that congress or senate are in debt for. America has been in debt for a quite awhile, hundreds and hundreds years back. Really, open your eyes. I mean that from the heart. – Tiffany M.

Republicans are so brainless. They say they are for family values yet their real ideologies are bigoted. If it doesn't benefit their pocket they say screw everyone else who is coming into this country because of a FAILED immigration system that takes years to get any path to citizenship. People in other countries are getting desperate and are looking for a BETTER LIFE. Republicans you SURE aren't trying to PROTECT CHILDREN! BIGOTS! – Guillermo A.

This bill will be back. 

Non-US citizens who serve in the military will be allowed US citizenship no matter how many of you racist backwards losers think otherwise. 

The bill will be introduced again. – Octavio G.

Be proud today. The Senate "struck a blow for Christian Democracy." That's how Ku Klux Klan members described politicians who voted against equal rights for African-Americans. I think there are definitely some parallels here. – Regis J.

You honestly believe that illegals are gonna go back? Stop blaming all the problems in the world on illegals. – Alfonso M.

The United States of America, the land of the slippery slope argument. The land of 2 + 2 = 5. The land of entitlement and bigotry. Let's get rid of all of the illegal immigrants so that we can then shift our anger back onto the Irish and the Italians. We wonder why we lack progress in this country, and why we're being overtaken by other countries. You know what it must be, the foreigners!! Let's run for the hills of West Virginia! Join the other ignorant folk!! Our engine is leaking oil, let's just put more oil in the engine!! Forget actually fixing the problem. Illegal immigrants don't give back to the system, that's the problem!! While we complain to Congress, let's fight for tax breaks too!! – Cynthia A.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Undocumented and Unimpeded

The DREAM Act was rejected by the U.S. Senate, yet again, this morning.  That makes it now roughly half a dozen times it has failed to pass when offered up before federal legislators.  The will of the majority of taxpaying citizens was actually respected by elected officials, on this occasion.

That's the good news.  The bad news is that it really doesn't matter as much as it would seem.  

The people have just spoken about their revulsion at the idea of rewarding illegal aliens.  And they did the exactly same thing a few years ago when an avalanche of incoming calls, decrying an attempted "comprehensive immigration reform," crashed the U.S. Senate switchboard.  Americans want immigration and employment laws enforced, right?

It doesn't matter.  They won't be.  Certainly not in our neck of the woods.

Illegal aliens like Antonia Rivera and Jorge Herrera (pictured) will continue to scream and holler about their rights, how they feel victimized, and what they deem to be our obligation to change laws they and their families refuse to follow.

The reality is that illegal aliens are hardly "hiding in the shadows" on the West Coast.  The undocumented in California get away with a whole lot more than tax paying citizens ever could.  

Conducting unlicensed businesses, walking out on unpaid hospital bills, dumping education expenses, for children that have no business being here, on citizen taxpayers, engaging in unlawful employment, driving without insurance and licenses, utilizing fraudulent documents ... the list goes on.

They'll continue to do these things in L.A., Orange County and the Inland Empire, and elected officials and law enforcement will do next to nothing in response. Some of the younger ones wear shirts bearing the phrase "Undocumented And Unafraid!"

It makes sense.  They should be unafraid.  They know the will of the American people, the best interests of the state's and nation's citizens, and federal laws don't count for a whole lot in these parts.

Welcome to California in the early 21st century.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Whatever Abel's Smoking, We Want Some!

Republican Lt. Governor, Abel Maldonado, the elected official who made a recent enormous California tax hike possible, is worried about the health of the GOP in this state.  Specifically, he fears that promoting an Arizona-style immigration initiative will make Republicans unelectable. Maldonado has been quoted as issuing the following warning:  "You can pull the life-support machine off the party, just pull the plug ..."

Based upon this remark, I almost have to wonder what state he's evaluating.  More to the point, how could things possibly be made worse for the California GOP?  Aside from the opposition party declaring martial law and imprisoning political dissenters without trials, I'm not sure what would qualify as "worse."

Mr. Maldonado needs to take a good hard look at the post mid-term election terrain and come to terms with reality.

California has annual budget shortfalls and an illegal alien population that dwarfs those of any other state.  If states could file for bankruptcy, ours would be the first.  If states could opt to secede from the U.S. and join other countries, California would be the most logical choice to be handed over to Mexico.

Our sanctuary cities act as magnets that allow us to import the impoverished and under-skilled at a rate no other state comes close to matching.  Further, many of our public schools are now on a par with those found in Louisiana and Mississippi; we mass produce uneducated residents unfit for most white collar and technical jobs.  Additionally, California's unemployment rate is well-above the national average.  And to top it off, we are home to 15% of the nation's population, but can boast of hosting over 30% of welfare recipients in the U.S.

Yet in spite of all this, every single Republican candidate who ran for statewide office last month was rejected by a majority of California voters.  Instead, Jerry Brown, Barbara Boxer and a slew of other Democrats, precisely the people who meticulously crafted many of the problems we currently face, were selected to continue to provide leadership.

A quick survey of the situation reveals the obvious.  It's already about as bad as it will get for Republicans in California.  And here's more bad news - undereducated, low wage earners, particularly those who believe they have an ethnic axe to grind, don't commonly veer to the GOP.

What do we know about Arizona's law?  Many of its provisions were suspended when it was examined by a judge, and before it was ever implemented, over 100,000 people left the state for "safer" locations.

Our illegal alien population is well over double the size of the one that existed, until recently, in the Copper State.  Further, there are far more anchor babies with illegal alien parents in California than there were in Arizona.

Could future GOP candidates stand to lose six figures worth of illegal aliens and their family members?  Would frightening off over 100,000 bus boys, unwed mothers, people utilizing WIC benefits, car wash employees, patients who routinely leave hospital medical bills unpaid, and children who drop out of high school at a rate of over 50%, further cripple the California Republican party?  Would the hint of immigration enforcement intentions scare away the very voters who normally storm to the polls to cast their ballots for those promising fiscal responsibility and limited government?

Arizona's immigration law on the California ballot, backed by the Republican Party?  It's a no-brainer.  Our state's GOP can't be rejected any more thoroughly than it already has, and at worst, assuming the ballot initiative is entirely overruled by the courts or rejected by voters, there will be tens of thousands fewer Californians around of precisely the type that most vehemently oppose conservative principles.

Mr. Maldonado might consider the notion that it is time to take a new tack, particularly in view of the fact that the old ones have failed so royally.  This time, let's try yanking away the welcome mat.