Saturday, April 2, 2011

Legalize Karma

Dov Charney has done quite well for himself.  He started American Apparel and began to make and sell clothing from his headquarters in downtown Los Angeles.  He's made millions.

Dov Charney made a lot of that money with illegal alien workers.  He wasn't embarrassed by it nor did he really attempt to deny it.  In fact, it became a rallying point for him and his business.  If the public complained of the education, medical and quality of life costs that come with large populations of illegal aliens, he often delivered members of his workforce at marches and protests.  He produced thousands of "Legalize LA" shirts that became "must have" items for local amnesty advocates.

When Arizona attempted to protect its citizenry from climbing taxation costs, and a growing drug trade from Mexico, by enacting immigration enforcement laws, he was incensed and produced even more shirts that could be commonly seen on angry family members of illegal aliens

Well, that was then and this is now.  Dov Charney and the management of American Apparel have other things to keep them occupied - Like trying to keep the doors open.  American Apparel stock lost 23% of its value yesterday, after announcing that it may have to liquidate under Chapter 11 of the federal Bankruptcy Code.  Apparently, the company recently experienced a fourth quarter loss in excess of 19 million dollars.

Charney has stated, in recent months, that the loss of 1500 workers that resulted from a government immigration audit of employees of his downtown L.A. facility, has negatively impacted his enterprise.

So, for those so inclined, buy those shirts while you can.  They can probably be purchased at drastically discounted prices now, and will likely be collectors items in the near future.

Story about AA's financial woes :

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