Saturday, April 23, 2011

Somos Posers

Syndicated columnist, Ruben Navarette, recently penned a piece wherein he bewails the failure of the GOP to embrace Somos Republicans, a newly formed organization over which the mainstream press has been fawning.  The headline above his article, as it appears in the San Bernardino Sun, reads:  Republicans turning their backs on conservative Latinos.

This statement is inaccurate. The base of the Republican Party is unimpressed with this outfit because they're not genuine conservatives.

Liberals during the 1980's didn't flock in huge numbers to any of Lyndon LaRouche's campaigns because, despite his party affiliation, he wasn't a Democrat, he was a nut.  The members of Somos Republicans are similarly situated.  They can register as members of the GOP to their hearts' content, but they're not real Republicans.  They are a carefully calculated effort to emphasize the notion that by failing to support amnesty for illegal aliens, the Republicans are chasing off a rapidly growing portion of the national population.

At best, Somos Republicans personnel, who endlessly clamor for "comprehensive immigration reform," are members of the GOP in the same fashion as George W. Bush, Meg Whitman, John McCain and Arnold Schwarzenegger.  True conservatives don't respect their views, but consider them the lesser of evils in comparison to the Democrats who ran against them. 

In his column, Navarette also describes Somos Republicans members as conservative regarding taxes.  Again, this is inaccurate, and transparently so.  Legalizing millions of the undocumented in this country would result in trillions of dollars in expenses to Social Security, Medicare and a host of other government programs.  There's nothing appealing to those on the right about going Obama with the national debt.

Mr. Navarette feels passionately about the immigration issue.  He desperately wants a "path to citizenship" for millions residing in this country unlawfully.  He writes about immigration frequently and has made numerous efforts in his column to advocate for this viewpoint.  This article wasn't the first and it's unlikely to be the last, however, it's sure to be one of the least successful. And if he doesn't understand why, here's the explanation:  In 2011, in the GOP scheme of things, RINOs are out of fashion and Tea Party adherents are cool and hip.  Being a Neocon is so fifteen minutes ago. November's election told you everything you need to know.  So parading around a bunch of faux conservatives, irrespective of skin color and ethnicity, is about as likely to excite folks on the right as a Jeb Bush presidential run.

Ruben Navarette's piece, described above:

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